"Civilians at SAIC used to joke that the company had so many admirals and generals in its ranks it could start its own war. Some might argue that, in the case of Iraq, it did." ....and 9/11 and the fake War on Terror!
Drill on simulated bioterrorism event set for July 1
The Springfield-Greene County Health Department will partner with Schweitzer United Methodist Church in a simulated bioterrorism response July 1.The exercise will simulate distributing antiviral medication to approximately 300 people who may have been exposed to a dangerous virus, illness or bioterrorism agent."This will be a unique exercise for us," said bioterrorism planner J.D. Slaughter. "In the past we’ve pulled in area public health department staff, local nurses and Community Heroes volunteers to help staff our point of dispensing, or POD, sites. This time we are going to do it all in-house, using only members of the church."In the drill, the health department will test its ability to quickly train lay workers to open, organize and operate their own POD with minimal support.The exercise will take place at 1 p.m. at Schweitzer United Methodist Church, 2747 E Sunshine St
CIS countries begin military drills
MOSCOW, June 20 (Xinhua) -- Six countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) began large-scale command and staff exercises with live fire practices on Wednesday, an aide to the Russian Air Force commander said.
The drill would be held in four stages on territories of three CIS states, Colonel Alexander Drobyshevsky was quoted by the Itar-Tass news agency as saying.
The first stage of the maneuvers will be held at Russia's northwestern Telemba range with the participation of air force and air defense units and the Russian Baltic Fleet and of Belarussian air defense.
The second stage will be held in the second half of August at the Ashuluk range in the southern Astrakhan region.
The exercises will involve aviation and air defense of Russia, Armenia, Belarus and Kyrgyzstan, Drobyshevsky said.
The third and fourth stages are scheduled for late August and early September at training ranges in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan with the participation of air force and air defense units of the six CIS countries.
Drobyshevsky also said missile systems S-75. S-125. S-200. S-300 would be used in a live fire practice.
Sukhoi and MiG fighters will drill strikes on aerial and ground targets. Taking part in the drill will be Su-24, Su-25, Su-27 and MiG-29 aircraft.
Drill on Fort Hood to create traffic delays in the area
A drill on Fort Hood, simulating a terrorist attack will have the post closed to some incoming traffic Wednesday.
Fort Hood officials said the drill will simulate an explosion at the post's Abrams Physical Fitness Center, triggering an emergency response.
The Warrior Way gate at W.S. Young, 10th street, and the old Copperas Cove Road gate will be closed from 1:00-3:00 Wednesday afternoon.
Officials said drivers should also be cautious on 58th Street, because emergency vehicles will be using the street during the drill.
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