Silicon Valley Creates High Tech Tools For The Pentagon
SANTA CLARA, Calif., Aug 15, 2007 (KGO) - The Army is transitioning to a very high tech, light weight, mobile force. On Wednesday, ABC7 News got a glimpse of the Pentagon's vision: Aircraft, tanks & combat vehicles all moving through a battlefield, monitored by sensors and tracked by computers.
Santa Clara defensive contractor, BAE Systems, has created a hybrid engine undergoing its first public test at their facilities The engine is tested in a metal case which resembles the front of an armored vehicle and eventually placed in a chassis, which can become any one of eight combat vehicles.
Ted Kuriata is the technical operating officer for BAE Systems which is one of the developers for the Future Combat Systems Initiative or FCS.
Ted Kuriata: "It could be an infantry carrier. It can be a supply vehicle. It can be a recovery vehicle. I can me a medical vehicle. A tank as well"
Video from BAE systems displays some of the innovative military technology the Pentagon is including in FCS units on the battlefield.
Sensors for finding enemy combatants, unmanned air vehicle systems, even ground surveillance robots are all able to communicate with each other and the command center.
Program Manager Army Major General Charles Cartwright says the future hybrid combat vehicles in FCS units will give the Army two impressive tools.
Cartwright: "Transport yourself to the middle of Baghdad and you can move a vehicle that you don't hear. The only purpose of the engine is to provide electricity to the batteries."
According to engineers, the hybrid can also play a role while not in combat. It can puts out enough electricity to power 300 average homes for one day and can replace field generators and power the electronic combat gear and computers.
The new technology has critics who say, in urban combat, these high tech tools might feed back too much or even the wrong information. Former Assistant Defense Secretary Philip Coyle is with the Center for Defense Information.
Philip Coyle: "Is it helping them in the decisions they have to make in battle or is it a burden?"
When this project started in 2000, the budget was 91 million dollars and it is now up to 160 million dollars. Some critics say that number could double.
Cartwright: "The issue is the Army wants more and in 2004 the Army said I want your technology in current force vehicles."
The hybrid vehicles might see combat after 2010. The rest of the new technology may be ready as early as next year.
Robot wars are a reality
The deployment of the first armed battlefield robots in Iraq is the latest step on a dangerous path - we are sleepwalking into a brave new world where robots decide who, where and when to kill. Already, South Korea and Israel are deploying armed robot border guards and China, Singapore and the UK are among those making increasing use of military robots. The biggest player yet is the US: robots are integral to its $230bn future combat systems project, a massive plan to develop unmanned vehicles that can strike from the air, under the sea and on land. Congress has set a goal of having one-third of ground combat vehicles unmanned by 2015. Over 4,000 robots are serving in Iraq at present, others in Afghanistan (cont..)
NORTHCOM chief gets boots on the ground in NYC

The Adjutant General Maj. Gen. Joseph Taluto introduces NYS Governor Eliot Spitzer to Gen. Gene Renuart, Commander of the U.S. Northern Command at New York's historic Lexington Avenue Armory on Friday, Aug. 10, 2007 to review ongoing homeland security missions for the New York National Guard. Renuart visited with Soldiers from the Guard's 1st Battalion, 69th Infantry whose Citizen Soldiers were among the first military responders to the terror attacks at the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001 and went on to serve on federal duties both for homeland security missions during Operation Noble Eagle and combat operations for Operation Iraqi Freedom. The military leaders met with leaders from the NYPD, FDNY, NYC Office of Emergency Management and the U.S. Coast Guard Sector Chief for information briefings and security updates. Renuart also visited with members of the New York Naval Militia aboard the NYS Military Emergency Boat Service whose crews provide the state's military forces with a homeland security presence on New York's waterways. The NORTHCOM commander is responsible for homeland defense and also serves as head of the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD), a U.S.-Canada command. U.S. Army photo by Lt. Col. Richard Goldenberg
Blackanthem Military News, NEW YORK - The commander responsible for America's homeland defense with the U.S. Northern Command (USNORTHCOM) and head of the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD), a U.S.-Canada command toured, Manhattan August 10 to better familiarize himself with New York State's military forces and ongoing homeland security missions.General Gene Renuart, the USNORTHCOM Commander received information briefings from The Adjutant General, Maj. Gen. Joseph Taluto alongside security discussions with New York State Governor Eliot Spitzer and Deputy Secretary for Public Security Michael Balboni. Much of the discussion involved a review of the state's Task Force Empire Shield, the standing homeland security task force performing state active duty missions throughout the city and state. The roles and missions of the task force have grown changed over the past years, but the presence of Soldiers, Airman, Sailors and Marines as part of the state's homeland security mission has been continuous since September 11, 2001. (Cont..)

Blaze Stirs Haunting 9/11 Memories
NEW YORK -- Mayor Michael Bloomberg says preliminary air quality tests showed no danger Sunday morning in the area around the Deutsche Bank building, which burned for almost seven hours Saturday.
The seven-alarm blaze brought back all too painful memories for the New York City Fire Department as the burning building, abandoned after 9/11, claimed two more lives. (Cont..)
Lockheed Martin buys video game maker to enter simulation market

Los Angeles, Aug 18: Lockheed Martin Corp said on Friday it bought 3Dsolve, a maker of "serious" video games used for training. Financial terms were not disclosed. The defense contractor said the acquisition will strengthen its position in the fast-growing training and simulation market and allow it to provide a broader array of products and services to an expanding customer base. Bureau Report
Final stage of SCO drill begins

Helicopters and armoured vehicles advance in formation during the final stage of the Peace Mission 2007 counter-terrorism drill, sponsored by the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, in Chelyabinsk in Russia's Ural Mountains region, August 17, 2007. Leaders and defense ministers from SCO's six member countries gathered in the Chebarkul military range near Chelyabinsk in the morning to observe the drill, which is also due to end on Friday. [Xinhuanet]
Indo-UK anti-terror war game in Ladakh
Boeing, Raytheon Tweak Laser-Based Weapons
Gaming 4G warfare for the USAF, with rayguns
1 comment:
[url=http://www.pi7.ru/otnosheniya/1751-tri-fazy-dlya-uspeshnogo-znakomstva.html ]Бактерии показали ученым пример альтруизма [/url]
Моя буд. свекровь каждый день ругается и причитает в адрес моего буд.мужа её сына( Мы пока не живем сообща с мч, планируем в последствии свадьбы(через 2 месяца), он живет с родителями..Так вот его мама каждый день укоряет его, сто он им не может помочь то строить дом(по придури свекрови его строит её благоверный собственноручно), то дома в квартире не может помочь мол такой он сякой. А мне обидно ужасно! По началу я как то не обращала внимание на её слова, но потом меня это стало бесить!Я знаю , что то что она говорит как бы помягче заявить не правдв-т к мой мч буквально каждый день постарается им помочь, когда есть вполне вероятность и время. А в случае в случае если принять к сведению тот факт , что он работает ежедневно с 8 до 8+дорога,то остаются выходные, и само собой ему хочется хотя бы отдохнуть день и провести со мной время. Но она его каждый день пилит-аот у тебя выходной ещё 1 есть а ты не приехал. При этом он платит за их 3 комн квартиру и телефон, и покупает часто продукты. Короче ппц не знаю как эту ситуацию изменить!Ладно бы только мне жаловалась, так она всем подрят это говорит!Извините обьем инфы-просто накипело!
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