* *the info below from Portland Indy media, I found interesting in comparison
with the use of Future Combat Systems on 9/11 in Manhattan with simulation
and imagery inserted into the tv broadcasts.....
with the use of Future Combat Systems on 9/11 in Manhattan with simulation
and imagery inserted into the tv broadcasts.....
Noble Resolve (updates)
Noble Resolve 07-2 aims at making communication easier
Portland Seeks Designation as First ‘Synthetic City’
Portland, OR - August 18, 2006 -
"On Friday, August 18, a group of federal, state and local officials, academics, and private sector leaders will convene on the campus of Portland State University to talk about a potential transfer of power. Under discussion is the notion that technology used to fight the war on terror abroad could soon be applied to homeland security needs…and that Portland, Oregon could be an early test-bed for such transfers.
According to the Regional Alliances for Infrastructure and Network Security (RAINS), a central player in the development of homeland defense technology solutions, the primary military technology under consideration for transfer is "synthetic city" software—a digital information platform that fuses data from a variety of real-world sources, such as 9-1-1 centers, atmospheric sensors, smart buildings, health networks, and intelligent transportation systems—then organizes and displays it all in a 3-D geographical modeling and simulation environment.
"Our military friends are going to be demonstrating some very cutting edge technology—sort of the ultimate Sim City," explained RAINS’ chairman Charles Jennings, "They’ll be displaying virtual version of the real Portland, with real-time data inside." Jennings is the CEO of Portland-based Swan Island Networks.
The "Synthetic Portland" conference brings together participants from around the country, representing all levels of government, large federal contractors and system integrators; information technology vendor companies; universities; hospitals; and various types of non-governmental service organizations. "
China, Russia, Central Asian Leaders Tout New Strength
BISHKEK (AFP) - The leaders of China, Russia and four Central Asian states touted their growing military and political strength Thursday in a firm challenge to US attempts at gaining influence in the strategic region.
Chinese President Hu Jintao and Russia's Vladimir Putin, together with the leaders of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, gathered near the Kyrgyz capital Bishkek for the annual summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO).
Speaking in a new conference centre built by Chinese contractors under the shining backdrop of the snow-covered Tien Shan mountains, the Russian president described the SCO as a budding force. (Cont..)
Real deal for simulators
A Tucson company that specializes in creating simulation software for military training is joining forces with other software specialists under its Canadian parent.
Montreal-based CAE Inc. acquired Terrain Experts Inc., 5151 E. Broadway, Suite 1000, for $10 million in May 2005. Now CAE is spinning Terrain Experts and two other acquisitions into Presagis, a new subsidiary dealing in modeling and simulation software. (Cont..)
"Reliant Mermaid"
Nicollet County conducts outbreak drill
For a moment, the drill became a test of a real-life emergency response, rather than a planned exercise to help health workers prepare for a disease outbreak. (Cont)
Homeland Security drill in Decatur plays out well
Local, state, and federal agencies conducted a drill today in Decatur to test their readiness.
This is the scene.
At 9:18 a.m., a dignitary and full entourage arrive for a speech. Under the watchful eye of law enforcement, the speech begins and suddenly an assassin emerges from the crowd and shoots.
US, African and European forces in military exercise ahead of AFRICOM operation
ypu might recall MEX 4, also linked to USJFCOM and the forthcoming Noble Resolve Drill (August 20th...)
While looking for more infos, i found infos on MEX5:
Multinational Experiment 5 (MNE 5)
"...MNE 5’s scenario is set in sub-Saharan Africa in 2008-2010...
...multinational partners, http://www.jfcom.mil/about/experiments/mne5_mn.html
noble resolve, starts AUG 20 :
http://www.jfcom.mil/newslink/storyarchive/2007/pa081007.htm "...we will integrate the modeling and simulation tools more deeply into game play... to provide some of the command's unique modeling and simulation (M&S) tools to help create the scenarios. This will take place from the Joint Futures Lab located in Suffolk, Va...
Joint Innovation and Experimentation Directorate (J9)
more on MEDUSA, which is also name of a War Operation in Afghanistan:
not good ;
Putin praises strength of 'Warsaw Pact 2'
"...# In pictures: Russia hosts war games
The United States will be anxiously watching the military manoeuvres - held under the auspices of the six-member Shanghai Co-operation Organisation (SCO) - from afar after its request to send observers was rejected...."
agreed, the signs of WWIV are unfolding right before us, this
is a nightmare!
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